Manufacturer of

DAF - Dissolved Air Flotation Systems


Dissolved Air Floatation is a Provn and effective Physical/Chemical Technology for Treating a variety of Wastewater streams.

USM Uniccare Technologies Pvt Ltd dissolved air floatation system provides high-quality, efficient clarification of suspended particles from waste water.

USM Uniccare Technologies Pvt Ltd has been developing and continually improving dissolved air flotation (DAF) systems for decades, and has successfully implemented installations in a variety of applications.

DAF is a wastewater clarification process for the separation of solids, grease, and oils. The system helps concentrate sludge, removes a wide range of suspended solids (fats, oil, and grease) in wastewater and reduces COD and BOD.

DAF works by producing a stream of micro fine bubbles that attach to solids and lift them to the surface, where they can be removed by a surface scraping mechanism.

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DAF systems can be applied as a pre-treatment to meet a municipality’s specific limits for oil, grease, or suspended solids, or to remove contaminants that would negatively impact an industrial biological wastewater treatment system downstream.

They also can be used to thicken already separated sludge (chemical, physical or biological), and generally allow for an increase in the concentration of sludge from 1% to 8-10%.

DAF technology is ideally suited to neutral-density particles and those that are buoyant or settle slowly. This is particularly relevant to the food industry and other businesses that produce light, high-volume solids that are resistant to settling. DAF also takes up about 25% of the equivalent surface area compared to conventional clarification technologies.

DAF is a proven, robust, and effective physical-chemical technology commonly used for many industrial and municipal applications, including:

  Product recovery and reuse

  Pre-treatment to meet sewer discharge limits

  Pre-treatment to reduce loading on downstream biological systems

  Polishing of biological treatment effluent

  Removing silt and grease from industrial water.

DAF is used extensively in the following industries:

  Meat, poultry, and fish processing

  Dairy industry


  Pulp and paper

  Food and beverage.

How Dissolved Air Flotation Works?

The flotation process is based on coagulation and flocculation mechanisms. By adding specific chemicals, such as iron chloride and aluminium chloride, colloidal particles are destabilized and floc formation takes place. Flocculation with other chemicals, such as polyelectrolyte, facilitates the collision between the destabilized suspended and colloidal particles to form larger clots that can be readily removed.

The process separates solid particles from the liquid. At first water is saturated with dissolved air under pressure.

This recycle stream (pressurized from 4 to 6 bar), called the hypersaturated stream, is then mixed with the incoming wastewater in an internal contact chamber, where the microscopic air bubbles attach to solids and float them to the surface, forming a floating sludge bed.

A scraping assembly skims the sludge from the surface of the water and into a sump, from where it’s pumped to sludge treatment. The treated water is then discharged or undergoes other treatment processes.

key DAF Features

  Total suspended solids (TSS) reduction up to 97%

  Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal up to 85%

  Low-cost operation and maintenance

  Standard and customized units meet a variety of application and flow ranges

  Designed for ease of installation and use

  Suitable for high-salinity water.

Efficient Dissolved Air Flotation Systems

At USM Uniccare Technologies Pvt Ltd, our experienced process designers and field personnel offer support during all stages of the project, from preliminary design through commissioning and operation. Our highly reliable solutions are designed and customized to handle a wide range of influent quality and flow rate. Our DAF solutions are robust and compact. They are easy to install, operate and maintain.

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